Project Management Tools For Freelancers

Projects are temporary endeavours designed to produce a specific result, product, or service for a client. Project management is the cycle that completes the planning, organising, and resource management to achieve specific goals and objectives within a given timeframe. Project management tools for freelancers make this process more effective and streamlined.

Benefits of Project Management Tools

The first step in selecting a project management tool is determining what your needs are. What do you want to be able to do with the software? How many users will need access to it? What platforms will they need access from? How much control do you want over the process?

The benefits of using freelance project management tools are many and varied, so you need to choose one that serves your budget and purpose. Do the following criteria speak to you?


Project management software helps you organise your projects and keep everything in one place. Informative dashboards give you a top-level view of the status of all your projects; from who is working on what, where you are in the project, and the resources still available.

At Australia’s Freelancing Hub, we are visual creatures and like nTask’s Gantt chart spread ideal for planning, visualising, and managing timelines. Work out what best suits your needs.

Organisation Masters We Love

Task Management

Task management apps give you a visual representation of what’s on your plate so that you can better manage your time by seeing where everything is. You’ll know what’s due when, what your current priorities are, and how much time you can devote to specific projects. Look for the ease with which you can create, assign and track tasks and subtasks. You’ll need multiple ways to organise tasks (ie. by due date, project, or category) and they’ll need to identify deadlines and conflicts of deliverables. Syncing with other devices such as desktops, mobiles or tablets would also be advantageous.

Task Management Masters We Love

Client Communication

Keep your clients up-to-date with the progress of their projects, and communicate with them effectively. You can also send out updates as needed, which means you won’t have to worry about chasing down everyone individually each time there’s an update or change.

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Time Tracking

With project management tools for freelancers, you can easily track how much time each task takes using the built-in timer function or by manually inputting times into the system. This will help make sure that tasks are completed within the estimated time frames.

Time Trackers We Love

Analytics Reporting

Reports can be used to track important metrics, such as how much time is being spent on projects, productivity, billable and non-billable hours, and the amount of time spent on repetitive tasks. This helps allocate resources more effectively and allows for better forecasting.

Report Masters We Love


There’s a substantial number of free accounting software and template options for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. With accounting software, you’ll know exactly what your expenses are, how to reconcile accounts, how to invoice in multiple currencies, provide various online payment options, and of course accurately bill clients.

Free Invoice Management Masters We Love

The Best Project Management Tool

The best project management tool is the one that works for you: the one that fits your needs, budget, and business. Once you have determined your requirements, you can begin shopping around for solutions. There are some amazing project management tools for freelancers that will inspire you to gain more clients simply so you can project manage them!

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